ProfessionalTeam at Liberty Hotel Group

Larry Patel

President & CEO

Liberty Hotel Group and its portfolio of Hotels and Businesses are managed by Larry Patel, a known leader in the Hospitality Industry. Mr. Patel has been in the hospitality industry for over 25 years. During his time in the business he has served in many different roles in overall Hotel operations. He has held positions such as General Manager, General Partner and President. Currently Mr. Patel operates all Hotels within Liberty Hotel Group, and is actively involved in their success. Mr. Patel has been the President of the Liberty Hotel Group since its inception. Mr. Patel has an extensive Educational background, including an MS in Pharmaceuticals, as well as an Associate's Degree in Accounting. Mr. Patel also holds a Commercial Sales Agent License in Real Estate. This vast educational and Corporate Experience has contributed to numerous successful companies, types of businesses, and investments, in different business climates, setting Mr. Patel apart as a true businessman with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Rekha Patel

Senior Vice President

A seasoned hotelier with more than 25 years of experience, Rekha has oversight of all operations of Liberty Hotel Group. In addition, Rekha maintains all  accounting and management of all accounts .

Seema Patel

Chief Financial Officer

Seema works directly with accounting and finance for all businesses within the company . Education:  Medical and Biochemistry.

Raj Patel

Legal /Operations

Raj is a licensed attorney in Missouri and is legal Counsel for Liberty Hotel Group. Education is JDMBA and has is a licensed real estate broker.


Aaron Girrens

Assistant Director of Operations

Assistan Director of operations for Midwest.

Debbie Isaacson

Assistant Director of Operations

Director of Operations for Midwest Operations.

Karri Haufman

Office Manager

Karri has 20 years in Property Management and has retired her real estate license, she started in hospitality over 30 years ago.  She now maintains all of the incoming correspondence, accounting, reporting, taxes and any other issue that the company may need handled internally for the portfolios.



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