ProfessionalTeam at Liberty Hotel Group
Larry PatelPresident & CEO |
Rekha PatelSenior Vice President A seasoned hotelier with more than 25 years of experience, Rekha has oversight of all operations of Liberty Hotel Group. In addition, Rekha maintains all accounting and management of all accounts . Seema PatelChief Financial Officer Seema works directly with accounting and finance for all businesses within the company . Education: Medical and Biochemistry. Raj PatelLegal /Operations Raj is a licensed attorney in Missouri and is legal Counsel for Liberty Hotel Group. Education is JDMBA and has is a licensed real estate broker. |
Aaron GirrensAssistant Director of Operations Assistan Director of operations for Midwest. |
Debbie IsaacsonAssistant Director of Operations Director of Operations for Midwest Operations.
Karri HaufmanOffice Manager Karri has 20 years in Property Management and has retired her real estate license, she started in hospitality over 30 years ago. She now maintains all of the incoming correspondence, accounting, reporting, taxes and any other issue that the company may need handled internally for the portfolios. |